
At Section 8 Airsoft we take safety seriously.

We ask for and expect all people on site to adhere to the highest safety standards. Airsoft is an Action Sport, and just like any action sport there is always a risk of injury or harm to those who take part or are in the vicinity of airsofting. By being involved in airsofting at Section 8 you are accepting that you are responsible and liable for your own safety and the safety of those around you.

To help you be more safe, we have compiled some advice for you to add to your own safe play actions.


Use safe equipment

Eyes must be protected with appropriate protection at all times in the game areas. Under 18s must also wear full face protection in addition to eye protection. Boots and gloves and a hat are all optional but recommended.

Players are responsible for the energy output of their own airsoft weapons. S8 has several chronos available for you to check the power output of your airsoft weapons.

Before using pyros, you must make sure they are acceptable for use on site. You must use them in a safe way in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Pyros must never be mechanically launched or propelled.

There all manner of devices and equipment which may be purchased for use in airsofting. You must realise that the ability to purchase them or the ability to use them at another site does not mean that you have the right to use them at Section 8 Airsoft.

If in doubt about the safety of any equipment, then you must check with Section 8 before the use of that equipment.


Physical Well-being

Section 8 Airsoft expects that you are not under the influence of alcohol or substances (including medication) which may impair your ability to play safely while on site.

If you have a medical condition which may cause you or others to be at risk while playing airsoft, you must let us know of that condition and what risk there may be. Section 8 Airsoft will then make a decision if we are happy to allow you to play, but it will remain your decision to accept all responsibility for any risk that there may be.


Personal Behaviour

Verbal or physical aggression will not be tolerated. Section 8 has a zero tolerance of verbal or physical aggression. If you engage in verbal or physical aggression, you will be asked to leave the site immediately, and Section 8 Airsoft will co-operate in any following criminal enquiry. It is likely that you may receive a permanent lifetime ban.


Play Safe

Do not jump on or over the barriers. Do not rearrange the bases or build your own barriers. Do not blind fire. Make sure you observe the rules of engagement.